Проблема с редактором на сайтеОбсуждение темы Проблема с редактором на сайте в разделе ASP, Perl, PHP и MySQL, часть категории ВЕБ-ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЕ; redactor. js , возможно действительно в нем что-то не то, замучился уже, понимал бы еще что нибудь в них. Код HTML: /* Redactor ... |
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Опции темы |
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#11 |
redactor.js, возможно действительно в нем что-то не то, замучился уже, понимал бы еще что нибудь в них.
/* Redactor v7.1.1 In English http://imperavi.com/ In Russian http://imperavi.ru/ Copyright (c) 2009-2011, Imperavi Ltd. Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. Usage: $('#content').redactor(); */ var isCtrl = false; var redactorActive = false; var $table = false; var $tbody = false; var $thead = false; var $current_tr = false; var $current_td = false; var deviceAndroid = "android"; var uagent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // detect iOS and Android function isiOS() { return ((navigator.platform.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) || (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPod") != -1) || (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPad") != -1)); } function detectAndroid() { if (uagent.search(deviceAndroid) > -1) return true; else return false; } function detectAndroidWebKit() { if (detectAndroid()) { if (detectWebkit()) return true; else return false; } else return false; } function detectWebkit() { if (uagent.search('webkit') > -1) return true; else return false; } // redactor (function($){ // Initialization $.fn.redactor = function(options) { if (isiOS() || detectAndroid() || detectAndroidWebKit()) return false; var obj = new Construct(this, options); obj.init(); return obj; }; // Options and variables function Construct(el, options) { this.opts = $.extend({ air: false, toolbar: 'main', // false, main, mini, air lang: 'ru', // ru, en, fr, ua, pt_br, pl typo: '/tests/typo.php', autosave: false, // false or url interval: 20, // seconds resize: true, visual: true, focus: false, image_upload: '/tests/upload.php', imageUploadFunction: false, // callback function file_upload: '/tests/file_upload.php', file_download: '/tests/file_download.php?file=', file_delete: '/tests/file_delete.php?delete=', fileUploadFunction: false, // callback function autoclear: true, remove_classes: false, remove_styles: true, convert_links: true, autoformat: true, init_clear: false, overlay: true, // modal overlay path: '', pathCss: 'css/', css: ['wym.css'] }, options); this.$el = $(el); }; // Functionality Construct.prototype = { init: function() { this.cssUrl = Array(); // get redactor css path if (this.opts.path == '') { path = ''; $("script").each(function(i,s) { if (s.src && s.src.match(/\/redactor\.js/)) path = s.src.replace(/redactor\.js/, ''); }); this.opts.path = path; } if (this.opts.pathCss.substr(0,1) != '/') this.opts.pathCss = this.opts.path + this.opts.pathCss; for (key in this.opts.css) { //if (!this.opts.css[key].hasOwnProperty(key)) continue; if (this.opts.css[key].substr(0,1) != '/') this.cssUrl[key] = this.opts.pathCss + this.opts.css[key]; else this.cssUrl[key] = this.opts.css[key]; } if (this.opts.air) this.opts.toolbar = 'air'; // include lang and toolbar this.include(); // sizes and id this.frameID = this.$el.attr('id'); this.width = this.$el.css('width'); this.height = this.$el.css('height'); // modal overlay if ($('#redactor_imp_modal_overlay').size() == 0) { this.overlay = $('<div id="redactor_imp_modal_overlay" style="display: none;"></div>'); $('body').prepend(this.overlay); } // create container this.box = $('<div id="imp_redactor_box_' + this.frameID + '" style="width: ' + this.width + ';" class="imp_redactor_box imp_redactor_box"></div>'); // air box if (this.opts.air) { this.air = $('<div id="imp_redactor_air_' + this.frameID + '" class="redactor_air" style="display: none;"></div>'); } // create iframe this.frame = $('<iframe frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" scrolling="auto" id="imp_redactor_frame_' + this.frameID + '" style="height: ' + this.height + ';" class="imp_redactor_frame"></iframe>'); this.$el.hide().tabby(); // append box and frame $(this.box).insertAfter(this.$el).append(this.frame).append(this.$el); // toolbar if (this.opts.toolbar !== false) { this.toolbar = $('<ul id="imp_redactor_toolbar_' + this.frameID + '" class="imp_redactor_toolbar"></ul>'); if (this.opts.air) { $(this.air).append(this.toolbar); this.box.prepend(this.air); } else $(this.box).prepend(this.toolbar); this.buildToolbar(); } // resizer if (this.opts.resize) { this.resizer = $('<div id="imp_redactor_resize' + this.frameID + '" class="imp_redactor_resize"><div></div></div>'); $(this.box).append(this.resizer); $(this.resizer).mousedown(function(e) { this.initResize(e) }.bind2(this)); } // enable this.enable(this.$el.val()); $(this.doc).click(function() { this.hideAllDropDown() }.bind2(this)); if (this.opts.autoclear) { $(this.doc).bind('paste', function(e) { setTimeout(function () { this.clearWord(); }.bind2(this), 200); }.bind2(this)); } // air enable this.enableAir(); // doc events $(this.doc).keydown(function(e) { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) isCtrl = true; if (e.keyCode == 9) { this.execCommand('indent', false); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 66 && isCtrl) { this.execCommand('bold', 'bold'); return false; } if (e.keyCode == 73 && isCtrl) { this.execCommand('italic', 'italic'); return false; } }.bind2(this)).keyup(function(e) { isCtrl = false; if (e.keyCode == 13) { $(this.doc).linkify(); return true; } this.syncCode(); }.bind2(this)); // autosave if (this.opts.autosave) { setInterval(function() { var html = this.getHtml(); $.post(this.opts.autosave, { data: html }); }.bind2(this), this.opts.interval*1000); } this.formSets(); // focus if (this.opts.focus) this.focus(); }, /* API */ setHtml: function(html) { this.doc.body.innerHTML = html; this.docObserve(); }, getHtml: function(clear) { if (clear === true) { this.paragraphise(); var html = this.doc.body.innerHTML; html = this.preClear(html); html = this.cleanWHtml(html); return this.tidyUp(html); } else return this.doc.body.innerHTML; }, getCode: function(clear) { if (clear === true) { var html = this.$el.val(); html = this.preClear(html); html = this.cleanWHtml(html); return this.tidyUp(html); } else return this.$el.val(); }, focus: function() { if ($.browser.msie) $(this.frame).load(function() { $(this).get(0).contentWindow.focus(); }); else this.frame.get(0).contentWindow.focus(); }, typo: function() { var html = this.getHtml(); $.ajax({ url: this.opts.typo, type: 'post', data: 'redactor=' + escape(encodeURIComponent(html)), success: function(data) { this.setHtml(data); }.bind2(this) }); }, syncCode: function() { var html = this.getHtml(); html = this.tidyUp(html); html = html.replace(/\%7B/gi, '{'); html = html.replace(/\%7D/gi, '}'); html = html.replace(/<hr class="redactor_cut">/gi, '<!--more-->'); html = html.replace(/<hr class=redactor_cut>/gi, '<!--more-->'); this.$el.val(html); }, destroy: function() { var html = this.getCode(); $(this.box).after(this.$el) this.box.remove(); this.$el.val(html).show(); }, /* Include */ include: function() { // lang $('head').append($('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + this.opts.path + 'langs/' + this.opts.lang + '.js"></script>')); // include if (this.opts.toolbar !== false) $('head').append($('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + this.opts.path + 'toolbars/' + this.opts.toolbar + '.js"></script>')); }, /* Enable */ enable: function(html) { this.doc = this.contentDocumentFrame(this.frame); // flash replace html = html.replace(/\<object([\w\W]*?)\<\/object\>/gi, '<p class="redactor_video_box"><object$1</object></p>'); if (html == '') { if (this.opts.autoformat === true) { if ($.browser.msie) html = "<p></p>"; else html = "<p> </p>"; } } this.redactorWrite(this.getRedactorDoc(html)); if (this.opts.init_clear) this.clearWord(); this.designMode(); }, enableAir: function() { if (this.opts.air) { $('#imp_redactor_air_' + this.frameID).hide(); $(this.doc).bind('textselect', this.frameID, function(e) { $('#imp_redactor_air_' + this.frameID).css({ left: e.clientX + 'px', top: (e.clientY + 8) + 'px' }).show(); }.bind2(this)); $(this.doc).bind('textunselect', this.frameID, function() { $('#imp_redactor_air_' + this.frameID).hide(); }.bind2(this)); } }, redactorWrite: function(html) { this.doc.open(); this.doc.write(html); this.doc.close(); }, getRedactorDoc: function(html) { css = ''; for (key in this.cssUrl) { css += '<link media="all" type="text/css" href="' + this.cssUrl[key] + '" rel="stylesheet">'; } var frameHtml = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">\n'; frameHtml += '<html><head>' + css + '</head><body>'; frameHtml += html; frameHtml += '</body></html>'; return frameHtml; }, contentDocumentFrame: function(frame) { frame = frame.get(0); if (frame.contentDocument) return frame.contentDocument; else if (frame.contentWindow && frame.contentWindow.document) return frame.contentWindow.document; else if (frame.document) return frame.document; else return null; }, designMode: function() { if (this.doc) { this.doc.designMode = 'on'; this.frame.load(function() { this.enableObjects(); this.docObserve(); this.doc.designMode = 'on'; }.bind2(this)); } }, enableObjects: function() { if ($.browser.mozilla) { this.doc.execCommand("enableObjectResizing", false, "false"); this.doc.execCommand("enableInlineTableEditing", false, "false"); } }, /* Observers */ docObserve: function() { var body = $(this.doc).find('body'); body.find('img').click(function(e) { this.imageEdit(e); }.bind2(this)); body.find('table').click(function(e) { this.tableObserver(e); }.bind2(this)); body.find('.redactor_file_link').click(function(e) { this.fileEdit(e); }.bind2(this)); }, /* Format on submit form */ formSets: function() { var oldOnsubmit = null; var theForm = $(this.box).parents('form'); if (theForm.length == 0) return false; oldOnsubmit = theForm.get(0).onsubmit; if (typeof theForm.get(0).onsubmit != "function") { theForm.get(0).onsubmit = function() { if (this.opts.visual) { this.syncCode(); return true; } }.bind2(this) } else { theForm.get(0).onsubmit = function() { if (this.opts.visual) { this.syncCode(); return oldOnsubmit(); } }.bind2(this) } return true; }, /* Exec */ execCommand: function(cmd, param) { if (this.opts.visual) { if (this.doc) { try { this.frame.get(0).contentWindow.focus(); if (cmd == 'inserthtml' && $.browser.msie) this.doc.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(param); else { this.doc.execCommand(cmd, false, param); if (param == "blockquote" || param == 'pre') { this.doc.body.appendChild(this.doc.createElement("BR")); } } } catch (e) { } this.syncCode(); } } }, /* Format and clean */ clearWord: function() { this.paragraphise(); var html = this.getHtml(); html = this.preClear(html); html = this.cleanWHtml(html); html = this.tidyUp(html); this.setHtml(html); return html; }, preClear: function(html) { // msie lowercase if ($.browser.msie) { html = html.replace(/< *(\/ *)?(\w+)/g,function(w){return w.toLowerCase()}); html = html.replace(/ jQuery(.*?)=\"(.*?)\"/gi, ''); } // prepend cleaning html = html.replace(/\<font(.*?)color="(.*?)"(.*?)>([\w\W]*?)\<\/font\>/gi, "<span style=\"color:$2;\">$4</span>"); var re= new RegExp('<font[^><]*>|<\/font[^><]*>','g') html = html.replace(re,''); // convert rgb to hex var matches = html.match(/rgb\((.*?)\)/gi); for (i in matches) { var hex = this.convertRGB(matches[i]); html = html.replace(matches[i], hex); } if ($.browser.mozilla) html = this.convertSpan(html); return html; }, cleanWHtml: function(html) { var s = html.replace(/\r/g, '\n').replace(/\n/g, ' '); var rs = []; rs.push(/<!--.+?-->/g); rs.push(/<title>.+?<\/title>/g); rs.push(/<(meta|link|.?o:|.?style|.?div|.?html|body|!\[)[^>]*?>/g); rs.push(/ v:.*?=".*?"/g); rs.push(/ class="Apple-style-span"/g); rs.push(/ class="MsoNormal"/g); rs.push(/ align="left"/g); rs.push(/ align="center"/g); rs.push(/ align="left"/g); // remove styles if (this.opts.remove_styles) rs.push(/ style=".*?"/g); // remove classes if (this.opts.remove_classes) rs.push(/ class=".*?"/g); rs.push(/( ){2,}/g); rs.push(/<p>(\s| )*?<\/p>/g); $.each(rs, function() { s = s.replace(this, ''); }); s = s.replace(/\s+/g, ' '); return s; }, tidyUp: function (html) { if (!$.browser.msie) { html = html.replace(/\<p> ([\w\W]*?)\<\/p\>/gi, "<p>$1</p>"); html = html.replace(/\<p>([\w\W]*?) \<\/p\>/gi, "<p>$1</p>"); } if (this.opts.convert_links) html = this.convertLinks(html); html = html.replace(/[\t]*/g, ''); html = html.replace(/[\r\n]*/g, ''); html = html.replace(/\n\s*\n/g, "\n"); html = html.replace(/^[\s\n]*/, ''); html = html.replace(/[\s\n]*$/, ''); var lb = '\r\n'; var btags = ["<html","</html>","</head>","<title","</title>","<meta","<link","<style","</style>","</body>","<body","<head","<div","<p","<form","<fieldset","<label","</label>","<legend","</legend>","<object","</object>","<embed","</embed>","<select","</select>","<option","<option","<input","<textarea","</textarea>","</form>","</fieldset>","<br>","<br />","<hr","<pre","</pre>","<blockquote","</blockquote>","<ul","</ul>","<ol","</ol>","<li","<dl","</dl>","<dt","</dt>","<dd","</dd>","<\!--","<table","</table>","</thead>","<tbody","</tbody>","<caption","</caption>","<th","</th>","<tr","</tr>","<td","<script","</script>","<noscript","</noscript>"]; for (i = 0; i < btags.length; ++i) { var bbb = btags[i]; html = html.replace(new RegExp(bbb,'gi'),lb+bbb); } // indenting html = html.replace(/<li/g, "\t<li"); html = html.replace(/<tr/g, "\t<tr"); html = html.replace(/<td/g, "\t\t<td"); html = html.replace(/<\/tr>/g, "\t</tr>"); // empty tags var btags = ["<pre></pre>","<blockquote></blockquote>","<ul></ul>","<ol></ol>","<li></li>","<table></table>","<tr></tr>","<span><span>", "<p> </p>", "<p></p>", "<p><br></p>", "<div></div>"]; for (i = 0; i < btags.length; ++i) { var bbb = btags[i]; html = html.replace(new RegExp(bbb,'gi'), ""); } return html; }, convertLinks: function(html) { html = html.replace(/\<a(.*?)href="http:\/\/(.*?)"(.*?)>([\w\W]*?)\<\/a\>/gi, "<a$1href=\"rttp://$2\"$3>$4</a>"); html = html.replace(/\<a(.*?)href="rttp:\/\/(.*?)"(.*?)>http:\/\/([\w\W]*?)\<\/a\>/gi, "<a$1href=\"rttp://$2\"$3>rttp:\/\/$4</a>"); //var url1 = /(^|>|\s)(www\..+?\..+?)(\s|<|$)/g; var url2 = /(^|>|\s)(((https?|ftp):\/\/|mailto:).+?)(\s|<|$)/g; //html = html.replace(url1, '$1<a href="http://$2">$2</a>$3') html = html.replace(url2, '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$5'); html = html.replace(/\<a(.*?)href="rttp:\/\/(.*?)"(.*?)>([\w\W]*?)\<\/a\>/gi, "<a$1href=\"http://$2\"$3>$4</a>"); html = html.replace(/\<a(.*?)href="http:\/\/(.*?)"(.*?)>rttp:\/\/([\w\W]*?)\<\/a\>/gi, "<a$1href=\"http://$2\"$3>http://$4</a>"); return html; }, convertRGB: function(rgbString) { var parts = rgbString.match(/^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/); delete (parts[0]); for (var i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) { parts[i] = parseInt(parts[i]).toString(16); if (parts[i].length == 1) parts[i] = '0' + parts[i]; } return '#' + parts.join(''); }, convertSpan: function(html) { html = html.replace(/\<span(.*?)style="font-weight: bold;"\>([\w\W]*?)\<\/span\>/gi, "<b>$2</b>"); html = html.replace(/\<span(.*?)style="font-style: italic;"\>([\w\W]*?)\<\/span\>/gi, "<i>$2</i>"); html = html.replace(/\<span(.*?)style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"\>([\w\W]*?)\<\/span\>/gi, "<i><b>$2</b></i>"); html = html.replace(/\<span(.*?)style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"\>([\w\W]*?)\<\/span\>/gi, "<b><i>$2</i></b>"); return html; }, /* Paragraphise */ paragraphise: function() { if (this.opts.autoformat === false) return true; if (this.opts.visual) { var theBody = this.doc.body; /* Remove all text nodes containing just whitespace */ for (var i = 0; i < theBody.childNodes.length; i++) { if (theBody.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "#text" && theBody.childNodes[i].data.search(/^\s*$/) != -1) { theBody.removeChild(theBody.childNodes[i]); i--; } } var removedElements = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < theBody.childNodes.length; i++) { if (theBody.childNodes[i].nodeName.isInlineName()) { removedElements.push(theBody.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true)); theBody.removeChild(theBody.childNodes[i]); i--; } else if (theBody.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "br") { if (i + 1 < theBody.childNodes.length) { if (theBody.childNodes[i + 1].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "br") { while (i < theBody.childNodes.length && theBody.childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "br") { theBody.removeChild(theBody.childNodes[i]); } if (removedElements.length > 0) { this.insertNewParagraph(removedElements, theBody.childNodes[i]); removedElements = new Array(); } } else if (!theBody.childNodes[i + 1].nodeName.isInlineName()) theBody.removeChild(theBody.childNodes[i]); else if (removedElements.length > 0) { removedElements.push(theBody.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true)); theBody.removeChild(theBody.childNodes[i]); } else theBody.removeChild(theBody.childNodes[i]); i--; } else theBody.removeChild(theBody.childNodes[i]); } else if (removedElements.length > 0) { this.insertNewParagraph(removedElements, theBody.childNodes[i]); removedElements = new Array(); } } if (removedElements.length > 0) this.insertNewParagraph(removedElements); } return true; }, insertNewParagraph: function(elementArray, succeedingElement) { var theBody = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; var theParagraph = this.doc.createElement("p"); for (var i = 0; i < elementArray.length; i++) theParagraph.appendChild(elementArray[i]); if (typeof(succeedingElement) != "undefined") theBody.insertBefore(theParagraph, succeedingElement); else theBody.appendChild(theParagraph); return true; }, /* Selection */ get_selection: function () { if (this.frame.get(0).contentWindow.getSelection) return this.frame.get(0).contentWindow.getSelection(); else if (this.frame.get(0).contentWindow.document.selection) return this.frame.contentWindow.get(0).document.selection.createRange(); }, setCut: function() { this.execCommand('inserthtml', '<hr class="redactor_cut" />'); }, /* Toggle */ toggle: function() { if (this.opts.visual) { this.addSelButton('html'); var html = this.clearWord(); html = html.replace(/\%7B/gi, '{'); html = html.replace(/\%7D/gi, '}'); // flash replace html = html.replace(/<p(.*?)class="redactor_video_box"(.*?)>([\w\W]*?)\<\/p>/gi, "$3"); // files replace html = html.replace(/<a(.*?)rel="(.*?)"(.*?)class="redactor_file_link(.*?)"(.*?)>([\w\W]*?)\<\/a>/gi, "<a href=\"" + this.opts.file_download + "$2\" rel=\"$2\" class=\"redactor_file_link$4\">$6</a>"); // cut replace html = html.replace(/<hr class="redactor_cut"\/>/gi, '<!--more-->'); html = html.replace(/<hr class=redactor_cut>/gi, '<!--more-->'); this.frame.hide(); this.$el.val(html); this.$el.show().focus(); var height = this.$el.height(); this.opts.visual = false; } else { this.removeSelButton('html'); this.$el.hide(); var html = this.$el.val(); // cut replace html = html.replace(/<!--more-->/gi, '<hr class="redactor_cut"/>'); // flash replace html = html.replace(/\<object([\w\W]*?)\<\/object\>/gi, '<p class="redactor_video_box"><object$1</object></p>'); // files replace html = html.replace(/<a(.*?)href="(.*?)"(.*?)rel="(.*?)"(.*?)class="redactor_file_link(.*?)">(.*?)<\/a>/gi, "<a href=\"javascript:void(null);\" rel=\"$4\" class=\"redactor_file_link$6\">$7</a>"); this.opts.visual = true; this.setHtml(html); this.frame.show(); this.focus(); } }, /* Video */ showVideo: function() { redactorActive = this; this.modalInit(RLANG.video, this.opts.path + 'plugins/video.html', 600, 360, function() { $('#redactor_insert_video_area').focus(); }); }, insertVideo: function() { var data = $('#redactor_insert_video_area').val(); if (redactorActive.opts.visual) { // iframe video if (data.search('iframe')) {} // flash else data = '<p class="redactor_video_box">' + data + '</p>'; } redactorActive.execCommand('inserthtml', data); this.modalClose(); }, /* File */ showFile: function() { redactorActive = this; var handler = function() { var params = ''; if (this.opts.fileUploadFunction) var params = this.opts.fileUploadFunction(); this.uploadInit('redactorUploadFileForm', { url: this.opts.file_upload + params, trigger: 'redactorUploadBtn', success: function(data) { this.fileUploadCallback(data); }.bind2(this) }); }.bind2(this); redactorActive = this; this.modalInit(RLANG.file, this.opts.path + 'plugins/file.html', 400, 200, handler); }, fileUploadCallback: function(data) { redactorActive.frame.get(0).contentWindow.focus(); redactorActive.execCommand('inserthtml', data); this.modalClose(); this.docObserve(); }, fileEdit: function(e) { var el = e.target; var file_id = $(el).attr('rel'); var handler = function() { $('#file').val($(el).text()); $('#redactorFileDeleteBtn').click(function() { this.fileDelete(el, file_id); }.bind2(this)); $('#redactorFileDownloadBtn').click(function() { this.fileDownload(el, file_id); }.bind2(this)); }.bind2(this); redactorActive = this; this.modalInit(RLANG.file, this.opts.path + 'plugins/file_edit.html', 400, 200, handler); }, fileDelete: function(el, file_id) { $(el).remove(); $.get(this.opts.file_delete + file_id); redactorActive.frame.get(0).contentWindow.focus(); this.modalClose(); }, fileDownload: function(el, file_id) { top.location.href = this.opts.file_download + file_id; }, /* Table */ showTable: function() { redactorActive = this; this.modalInit(RLANG.table, this.opts.path + 'plugins/table.html', 360, 200); }, insertTable: function() { var rows = $('#redactor_table_rows').val(); var columns = $('#redactor_table_columns').val(); var table_box = $('<div></div>'); var tableid = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); var table = $('<table id="table' + tableid + '"><tbody></tbody></table>'); 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else { var tr = $($table).find('tr').first().clone(); tr.find('td').html(' '); $thead = $('<thead></thead>'); $thead.append(tr); $($table).prepend($thead); } }, deleteHead: function() { $($thead).remove(); $thead = false; }, insertRowAbove: function() { this.insertRow('before'); }, insertRowBelow: function() { this.insertRow('after'); }, insertColumnLeft: function() { this.insertColumn('before'); }, insertColumnRight: function() { this.insertColumn('after'); }, insertRow: function(type) { var new_tr = $($current_tr).clone(); new_tr.find('td').html(' '); if (type == 'after') $($current_tr).after(new_tr); else $($current_tr).before(new_tr); }, insertColumn: function(type) { var index = $($current_td).attr('cellIndex'); $($table).find('tr').each(function(i,s) { var current = $(s).find('td').eq(index); var td = current.clone(); td.html(' '); if (type == 'after') $(current).after(td); else $(current).before(td); }); }, /* Image */ imageEdit: function(e) { var handler = function() { var $el = $(e.target); 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Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. 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Последний раз редактировалось 74ivan74; 28.10.2011 в 08:59.. |
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#12 |
покажи весь php-класс от редактора, а не только функцию view. только кинь на почту, а то неудобно длинный код ждать, пока тут выделится.
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#13 |
Я не знаю где у него php класс, я в нем не разбираюсь, вот этот редактор у меня
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#14 |
покажи свой файл post.php - в нем идет обработка сохранения поста, в исходнике он пустой.
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#15 |
У меня тоже пустой, у меня вызов такой <form method="post"> action не прописан вообще, что он обрабатывает вместо post.php хз.
Посмотрю. Вот такой php нашел, видимо он обрабатывает? PHP код:
Последний раз редактировалось 74ivan74; 28.10.2011 в 17:17.. Причина: Добавлено сообщение |
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#16 |
Проблема решена, сообразил в чем дело )
Всем спасибо! |
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#17 |
что было-то?
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#18 |
Думал, думал, логически понял что, что-то должно быть вместо post.php, пришлось в код вглядываться, чего раньше практически не делал, увидил разницу и методом тыка сделал, заменил
'ans_content' => $this->_strip($_POST['ans_content']), на 'ans_content' => $_POST['ans_content'], Чесно говоря, что изменилось не знаю, но цель достигнута ![]() Теперь буду искать мануал по автоматическому выравниванию и маштабированию этих изображений. |
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