Слайдер на плагине SlidorionОбсуждение темы Слайдер на плагине Slidorion в разделе HTML, CSS, JavaScript, часть категории ВЕБ-ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЕ; хм. вначале когда загрузишь - не прокручивается...а когда нажмешь прокурчивается Добавлено через 1 минуту хотя нет ..... что ж делать то- вроде так ... |
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Опции темы |
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#21 |
хм. вначале когда загрузишь - не прокручивается...а когда нажмешь прокурчивается
Добавлено через 1 минуту хотя нет ..... что ж делать то- вроде так делал в скрипте slidorion: function(options) { var defaults = { autoPlay: false, easing: '', effect: 'fade', first: "section1", interval: 7000, hoverPause: true, speed: 1000 }; так в странице <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#slidorion').slidorion({ autoPlay: false, easing: '', effect: 'fade', first: "section1", interval: 2000, hoverPause: true, speed: 500 }); }); </script> Последний раз редактировалось maxefect; 04.11.2011 в 20:30.. Причина: Добавлено сообщение |
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#22 |
с вашего сайта
* Slidorion, An Image Slider and Accordion Combined
* Intructions: http://www.slidorion.com
* Created by Ben Holland - http://www.ben-holland.co.uk/blog/
* Version: 0.9
* Copyright 2011 Ben Holland <[email protected]>
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* http://www.slidorion.com/license.html
slidorion: function(options) {
var defaults = {
autoPlay: true,
easing: '',
effect: 'fade',
first: "section1",
interval: 7000,
hoverPause: false,
speed: 1000
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
return this.each(function() {
var o = options;
var current = o.first;
var section = "";
var speed = o.speed;
var effect = o.effect;
var easingOption = o.easing;
var interval = o.interval;
var hoverPause = o.hoverPause;
var autoPlay = o.autoPlay;
var zPos = 1;
var slideCount = $('#slider .slider-image').size();
var accordCount = $('#accordion .slider-link').size();
var intervalPause = false;
var stopAutoPlay = false;
var effects = new Array('fade','slideLeft','slideUp','slideRight','slideDown','overLeft','overRight','overUp','overDown');
var previousEffect = '';
var autoPlaying = setInterval(function(){playSlider(current, effect, speed, easingOption);}, interval);
var obj = $(this);
var items = $(".slider-link", obj);
$('#accordion .content').hide();
$('#accordion .header a[rel="'+current+'"]').addClass('active').parent().next().show();
$('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"]').css({'opacity':'1', 'z-index':zPos});
autoPlaying = setInterval(function(){playSlider(current, effect, speed, easingOption);}, interval);
function animation(current, section, effect, speed, easingOption){
var imgWidth = $('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"] img').outerWidth();
var imgHeight = $('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"] img').outerHeight();
$current = $('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"]');
$new = $('.slider-image[rel="'+section+'"]');
case 'fade':
$current.stop().animate({opacity:'0'}, {queue:false, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
$new.css({'z-index':zPos}).stop().animate({opacity:'1'}, {queue:false, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'slideLeft':
$current.animate({'left':'-='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
$new.animate({'left':'-='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'slideRight':
$current.animate({'left':'+='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
$new.animate({'left':'+='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'slideUp':
$current.animate({'top':'-='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
$new.animate({'top':'-='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'slideDown':
$current.animate({'top':'+='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
$new.animate({'top':'+='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'overLeft':
$new.animate({'left':'-='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'overRight':
$new.animate({'left':'+='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'overUp':
$new.animate({'top':'-='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'overDown':
$new.animate({'top':'+='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption});
case 'random':
var randNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*9);
effect = effects[randNum];
randNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*9);
effect = effects[randNum];
previousEffect = effect;
animation(current, section, effect, speed, easingOption);
console.log("The number of slider images does not match the number of accordion sections.");
function sectionClicked(){
$objHeader = $(this);
section = $(this).attr('rel');
return false;
if($objHeader.parent().next().is(':hidden')) {
animation(current, section, effect, speed, easingOption);
current = section;
return false;
function playSlider(current, effect, speed, easingOption){
var slideNum = current.substr(current.length - 1);
$('.slider-link[rel="section1"]').trigger('click', sectionClicked);
section = "section"+slideNum;
$('.slider-link[rel="'+section+'"]').trigger('click', sectionClicked);
function changeAutoPlay(){
stopAutoPlay = true;
stopAutoPlay = false;
function offScreen(){
$slidorion = $('#slidorion');
var position = $slidorion.position();
var t = $(window).scrollTop();
var h = position.top;
if(t > h){
stopAutoPlay = true;
stopAutoPlay = false;
//function setActive(){
//active = true;
* Slidorion, An Image Slider and Accordion Combined * Intructions: http://www.slidorion.com * Created by Ben Holland - http://www.ben-holland.co.uk/blog/ * Version: 0.9 * Copyright 2011 Ben Holland <[email protected]> * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * http://www.slidorion.com/license.html */ (function($){ $.fn.extend({ slidorion: function(options) { var defaults = { autoPlay: true, easing: '', effect: 'fade', first: "section1", interval: 7000, hoverPause: false, speed: 1000 }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var o = options; var current = o.first; var section = ""; var speed = o.speed; var effect = o.effect; var easingOption = o.easing; var interval = o.interval; var hoverPause = o.hoverPause; var autoPlay = o.autoPlay; var zPos = 1; var slideCount = $('#slider .slider-image').size(); var accordCount = $('#accordion .slider-link').size(); var intervalPause = true; var stopAutoPlay = false; var effects = new Array('fade','slideLeft','slideUp','slideRight','s lideDown','overLeft','overRight','overUp','overDow n'); var previousEffect = ''; if(slideCount==accordCount){ if(autoPlay==true){ var autoPlaying = setInterval(function(){playSlider(current, effect, speed, easingOption);}, interval); } var obj = $(this); var items = $(".slider-link", obj); $('#accordion .content').hide(); $('#accordion .header a[rel="'+current+'"]').addClass('active').parent().next().show(); $('.slider-image').css({'opacity':'0'}); $('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"]').css({'opacity':'1', 'z-index':zPos}); items.click(sectionClicked); //$(window).mouseover(offScreen); if(hoverPause==true){ $('#slidorion').hover(function(){ clearInterval(autoPlaying); },function(){ autoPlaying = setInterval(function(){playSlider(current, effect, speed, easingOption);}, interval); }); } function animation(current, section, effect, speed, easingOption){ changeAutoPlay(); var imgWidth = $('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"] img').outerWidth(); var imgHeight = $('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"] img').outerHeight(); $current = $('.slider-image[rel="'+current+'"]'); $new = $('.slider-image[rel="'+section+'"]'); switch(effect){ case 'fade': $current.stop().animate({opacity:'0'}, {queue:false, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); $new.css({'z-index':zPos}).stop().animate({opacity:'1'}, {queue:false, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'slideLeft': $new.css({'left':imgWidth,'opacity':'1'}); $current.animate({'left':'-='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); $new.animate({'left':'-='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'slideRight': $new.css({'left':'-'+imgWidth+'px','opacity':'1'}); $current.animate({'left':'+='+imgWidth,'top':'0',' opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); $new.animate({'left':'+='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opac ity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'slideUp': $new.css({'top':imgHeight,'opacity':'1'}); $current.animate({'top':'-='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); $new.animate({'top':'-='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'slideDown': $new.css({'top':'-'+imgHeight+'px','opacity':'1'}); $current.animate({'top':'+='+imgHeight,'left':'0', 'opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); $new.animate({'top':'+='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opa city':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'overLeft': $new.css({'left':imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1', 'z-index':zPos}); $new.animate({'left':'-='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'overRight': $new.css({'left':'-'+imgWidth+'px','top':'0','opacity':'1','z-index':zPos}); $new.animate({'left':'+='+imgWidth,'top':'0','opac ity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'overUp': $new.css({'top':imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1' ,'z-index':zPos}); $new.animate({'top':'-='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opacity':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'overDown': $new.css({'top':'-'+imgHeight+'px','left':'0','opacity':'1','z-index':zPos}); $new.animate({'top':'+='+imgHeight,'left':'0','opa city':'1'}, {queue:true, duration:speed, easing:easingOption}); break; case 'random': var randNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*9); effect = effects[randNum]; while(effect==previousEffect){ randNum = Math.floor(Math.random()*9); effect = effects[randNum]; } console.log(effect); previousEffect = effect; animation(current, section, effect, speed, easingOption); break; } } }else{ console.log("The number of slider images does not match the number of accordion sections."); } function sectionClicked(){ $objHeader = $(this); section = $(this).attr('rel'); if(section==current){ return false; }else{ if($objHeader.parent().next().is(':hidden')) { $('.active').removeClass('active').parent().next() .slideUp(); $objHeader.addClass('active').parent().next().slid eDown(); } animation(current, section, effect, speed, easingOption); } zPos++; current = section; return false; } function playSlider(current, effect, speed, easingOption){ if(stopAutoPlay==false){ var slideNum = current.substr(current.length - 1); slideNum++; if(slideNum==slideCount+1){ $('.slider-link[rel="section1"]').trigger('click', sectionClicked); }else{ section = "section"+slideNum; $('.slider-link[rel="'+section+'"]').trigger('click', sectionClicked); } } } function changeAutoPlay(){ stopAutoPlay = true; setTimeout(function(){ stopAutoPlay = false; },interval); } function offScreen(){ $slidorion = $('#slidorion'); var position = $slidorion.position(); var t = $(window).scrollTop(); var h = position.top; if(t > h){ console.log("stopped"); clearInterval(autoPlaying); stopAutoPlay = true; }else{ console.log("started"); stopAutoPlay = false; } } }); } }); //function setActive(){ //active = true; //} })(jQuery); |
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#23 |
отдельный пример работает!
я ставил true - и отправлял на сервер... в браузерах смотрел стоит true slidorion: function(options) { var defaults = { autoPlay: false, easing: '', effect: 'fade', first: "section1", interval: 7000, hoverPause: true, speed: 1000 }; return this.each(function() { var o = options; var current = o.first; var section = ""; var speed = o.speed; var effect = o.effect; var easingOption = o.easing; var interval = o.interval; var hoverPause = o.hoverPause; var autoPlay = o.autoPlay; var zPos = 1; var slideCount = $('#slider .slider-image').size(); var accordCount = $('#accordion .slider-link').size(); var intervalPause = true; |
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#24 | |
как вариант: убрать все скрипты и собрать постепенно страницу, поставив слайдер и убедившись в его работе, дополнить оставшимися скриптами. |
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#25 |
Все теперь работает
Добавлено через 2 минуты Явно что то не менял в скрипте - я взял ваш пример - и заменил на странице код Последний раз редактировалось maxefect; 04.11.2011 в 20:47.. Причина: Добавлено сообщение |
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#26 | |
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#27 |
Большое спасибо за помощь)
Кстати будут комментарии по сайту? Может опять что то не так реализовал |
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#28 |
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#29 |
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#30 | |
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